EASTER SERVICES - SATURDAY: 4 & 5:45pm - SUNDAY: 9 & 10:45am


This community is built of individuals and families that prayerfully commit to give over-and-above their tithes to local outreach, global projects and the development of future Christian leaders. We believe in bringing the Good News of the gospel to all nations, driven by a passionate community committed to generosity. Jesus gave everything to reach the lost, demonstrating that there is no greater love. We want to help ensure that every nation and every person has the opportunity to hear the gospel and experience God’s love.

Through Kingdom Builders, we invest in ministries and organizations around the world that are making a lasting impact—reaching the lost, serving the poor, and transforming communities. We believe we are blessed to be a blessing, and we give so that ALL may hear the message of Jesus.
Join us in building God’s Kingdom and making an eternal difference!


This number is more than just a milestone—it’s a testament to the supernatural power of Jesus Christ. It represents thousands of lives impacted, transformed, and reached with the gospel over the past few years.

What God has done through your generosity is nothing short of miraculous. It’s a powerful reminder of what happens when we bring what we have to Him—He multiplies it beyond what we could ever imagine. To God be the glory for it all! Thank you for your faithful giving and for being part of this incredible journey of Kingdom impact.

We invest in partnerships with trusted organizations who share our passion to see our world transformed by the love of Jesus.


How are projects funded?
All Kingdom Builders projects are funded by the above and beyond giving of generous donors at Summit Park Church.

What about tithing?
The tithe is the first 10% of your earnings given to God. The tithe funds the ministry of the church. Kingdom Builders is giving above and beyond the tithe.

What if I have questions?
If you have questions, we’d love to answer them! Email info@summitparkchurch.com.